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Nov 13, 20232 min read
The Silent Consequences: Untreated Iron Deficiency and Its Long-Term Effects
Iron deficiency is a prevalent nutritional concern that, when left untreated, can lead to a cascade of health issues with far-reaching...

Jul 14, 20232 min read
Iron and the Gut: Understanding the Digestive Link
The connection between iron levels and gut health has become an area of growing interest in scientific research. Emerging evidence...
Jul 14, 20231 min read
Do iron levels impact immune function?
Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) can have detrimental effects on the immune system, leading to compromised immune function and increased...
Jul 14, 20231 min read
Does cooking in a cast-iron skillet really increase iron intake?
Studies have examined the impact of using iron cooking pots in food preparation as an intervention to address iron deficiency anemia...
Jun 19, 20232 min read
Can you lose weight without exercise?
Yes, you can lose weight without exercise. Weight loss primarily occurs when there is a calorie deficit, which means consuming fewer...
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